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Wednesday 1 February 2012

Office Design Photos

The Health Benefits Of Ergonomic Office Chairs

What some people don't seem to realize is that sitting for long periods of time, such as at the office, in the wrong kind of chair can be extremely harmful for your health. Traditional office chairs were not designed with the structure of our bodies in mind, which is why investing in an ergonomic office chair is a much better idea.

Firstly, it is time to dispel the widely believed 'fact' that it is relaxing to sit down. This is not actually true - for our bodies it is in fact quite the opposite. Sitting down exerts enormous amounts of stress on our backs and inter-vertebral discs because the weight of our torsos is transferred to our thighs and buttocks. The sitting down position can also cause problems for the lower parts of our bodies, as gravity causes our blood to pool in our legs and feet, resulting in slow blood return to our hearts.

Sitting in a traditional office chair does nothing to reduce these problems, and after sitting in one day in and day out for years our bodies really start to feel the full effects. Prolonged office use of these kinds of chairs will result in cases of back and neck pain, eyestrain, abdominal and leg pain, and even movement disorders amongst your employees.

An ergonomic office chair, on the other hand, is the result of years of research into how our bodies move, what causes skeletal stress and what postures are unhealthy. They have been designed with the natural shape and posture of our bodies in mind, making them a much better choice when it comes to choosing office furniture. Not only do these chairs reduce the chances of shoulder, back and neck pain, they can help to relieve the pain already caused by previous use of traditional office chairs.

This is because ergonomic chairs feature moveable elements so that we can custom fit our chairs to our bodies. As an example, an adjustable height allows employees to sit in a comfortable position with their feet planted firmly on the floor and adjustable arm rests allow for employees to sit comfortably in the office with their shoulders in a relaxed position.

Modern Office Design

Office Design Ideas

Office Interior Design Trends And Themes

Working on an office interior design project can be challenging and fun. Primarily, it's challenging because your office represents your company - its ideals, goals, and identity. It's a project that should, therefore, be taken seriously.

Office interior design should be able to reflect the corporation's goals and dynamism. Potential clients must be able to sense that this company, just like the furniture it uses in the office, means business. The clients should also be kept in mind in all stages of office interior design.

On the other hand, office interior design is at the same time fun because you'll finally have free rein in bringing life to the place where you work day in and day out.

The modernistic style is most commonly used in office interior design. This is because it showcases a sense of being dynamic, progressive, and always updated with the latest trends. Definitely, no client wants to deal with a company whose office still houses '70s furniture!

Modernistic themes give great appeal, too, because the lines are sleek and clean, giving the impressions of smartness and sharpness. The office interior design banking on modernistic themes somehow entices the client to join a company that is moving towards the future.

Designing A Home Office

The Internet Age has made it possible for millions of working men and women to telecommute - that is, too work from the comforts of their own home. This is not to say, though, that such a person can plop a PC in the middle of the kitchen table and do work in between doing the laundry and cooking dinner.

Even a home office must benefit from home office interior design. Many telecommuters earn a decent living working at home, so they don't mind spending on an elaborate home office interior design.

The difference in home office interior design is that you can have more room for creativity and incorporate personal touches that you otherwise wouldn't include in a traditional office setting.

Moreover, it is important to use muted colors for the home office interior design. This is because colors which are too loud or too vibrant may distract from the work to be done. Calm and soothing colors such as blue or light green may also provide color without making the space feel smaller than it actually is.

Office Design

Contemporary Home Office Desks - Great Style For the Modern Home Office

In my opinion the word "contemporary" - when used to describe a certain style has for very long been misinterpreted. I would like to clear up this debacle before we get on with this article: The correct meaning of the phrase "Contemporary Style" actually means - Conformation to a modern fashion sense or design culture - up to date ideas and influence. Which really means that anything that is created that is not influenced in some way by the past will be considered contemporary style. Thankfully we have that out of the way now let us get down to the business of contemporary home office desks.

The first topic that I would like to explore in this article is the very interesting design trends of home office desks as well as the influence this has on the overall style of the design and decor of the space. The fact that the "Working From Home Trend" is becoming more and more popular has also fed this modern design style as well as home office spending. The way technology is progressing, I foresee that in the next twenty or even thirty years a large portion of the workforce will work from home - it just makes so much more sense and is far cheaper and more time efficient.

Before we delve into some of the more popular contemporary home office desk designs, let us first just recap on the meaning of contemporary: "modern fashion sense, current design influence" got it! The first factor that one should look out for is that not many will be a square or even rectangular shape unless of course it is made from a weird and wacky material - you would rather see more curves and maybe one or two odd shapes like "half moons". When it comes to the materials being used in the production of contemporary home office desks there is still a strong loyalty to wood. I feel that this is due to the fact that wood is still very readily available and easy to work with. But designers all over the world are experimenting with interesting materials like foam plastic which is being molded into any shape that you can imagine.

For the ultra modern setting, you will find that glass and chrome mixed with earthy materials like wood and even leather accents is the order of the day. The lines are more often than not very clean and not to mention precise. The size of the contemporary home office desk can pretty much be anything, because if you are looking to create something that has not been done before you pretty much have license to do whatever. Colours and shapes are also a leading design trick that has the ability to change the way many people perceive the same style. If you have two identical desks but they are different colours then they can be used it totally different setting with confidence.

If you are finding it a little difficult to find the contemporary home office desks that appeal to you, my suggestion would be to get online and do your shopping at one of the major UK retailers, it is just so much easier and you have the ability to go into five or even ten different shops, look at twenty or thirty different home office desks in the space of an hour or so, now that is just the way it's meant to be done.
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